Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Unexpected Sign of Encouragment!

A new found friend, Carmella@ Creative Carmella
has awarded me a VERSITILE BLOGGER award...
She has been amazing, we exchange comments, support and encouragment. You can tell just from reading her blog she is an amzing woman!! Go check her out @ Creative Carmella! Thank you VERY MUCH for your Support!

Lemme' tell ya'... You would think that a silly little blog that shares projects you do (that fall apart :)) would be just a fun hobby.
It truly has become more than that!
It is a community of woman filled with encouraging words and affirmation,
and let's face it as a woman, WOMEN can be the toughest people to seek affirmation from.

{I try not to get deep, but this slightly touched MY SUPER TOUGH INSENSITIVE HEART :)
Just kidding I'm the type of person that cries over Cheerleading Championships and anyone that accomplishes anything}

Anywho, so... I appreciate what Life Without Whiteout has done for me and the relationships that have formed through it. Thank you Lord for bringing blessings in each post that is published, and the magical creativity that is inspired within me each time I read others' posts.

It is such a adrenaline rush when a project is complete and looks fabulous!!

So now that I have rambled... I must tell you what comes with the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD.

For this award, the blogger must:
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their site in your original post.
Tell us seven things about yourself.
Pass along the award to 6 newly discovered bloggers.
Contact these bloggers and let them know they got this award.
7 things about me:
1. I am a big CRY BABY! Like I said, I cry over cheerleading, gymnastics, olympics, biggest loser, any success story...oh and forget anything sentimental or lovey dovey..Urgh, I can't help it!

2. I was the biggest TOMBOY you had ever met, playing softball all my life, eating dirt, jumping off trees and beating boys in every sport...College introduced makeup and dresses to me :)

3. I skipped the 8th grade because I had high test scores in the Duke Talent Identification Program :)

4. I am addicted to SONIC (an old school fast food drive in with car hop's ) soda's..
Crushed ice, Diet Dr.Pepper and vanilla flavoring! Everyday at 2 o'clock!!

5. My husband and daughter are my 2 most FAVORITE people in the world!! They just get me :)

6. I work full time for a Non-profit organization that educates and helps to prevent Type 2 diabetes in low socio-economic minority youth and I love going to work EVERYDAY!

7. I wish I could start a support system or blog for teenagers with depression, and negative thoughts

7 1/2. Cant stand sleeping with socks on..eek, like nails on a chalkboard :)

And for the most important part, Awards for blogs that have inspired me:

YAY! for supporting one another and being each others biggest CHEERLEADER's!


  1. Hi! I am SO glad that you found my blog via Carmella and now I have found yours! I LOVE your sense of humor and we both clearly agree that Carmella is great so ummmm, yeah that is just great! :o) I am SO excited to get to know you a little bit better and I totally agree, isn't it amazing how wonderful the women in the blogging world are?!??!! I am blown away all of the time! Have a wonderful night!

  2. Oh wow! Thanks Ging! I love your blog and all of the fun "how to's"...keep it up!!!

  3. I can't believe I am just now reading this...where have I been??
    I loved getting to know you just a bit more...your job sounds amazing, it makes me happy when people love what they do! And....I do Sonic's happy hour at least four times a week, love that crushed ice!
    I am so happy to have "met" you and I am so proud to call you my blogging friend!!

  4. yay for cheerleading and softball!!!!!!
